Summer camp is a fun cost effective way to improve your skating skills, meet new friends and is designed to supplement your weekly private lessons. Skaters receive an entire day of high-quality instruction in the areas of: Jump & Spin Technique, Edges, Power Skating, Office/Dry Land Jumping, Core Strengthening, and Flexibility.
Skaters will also stretch their artistic ability in Ballet, Hip Hop & Jazz Class to become a well-rounded athlete. On the last day of camp parents & family members and friends enjoy an exhibition to see all the fun things we have been working on. A fun picnic get together will follow.
Who may attend? The camp is offered to Amanda & Jodie’s students. However, other skaters may register with primary coach approval.
Camp Attire
Skating dresses/leggings, snug fitted skating jacket or sweater. Athletic shoes and socks required for office training. Hair pulled back in a pony tail or bun. Bring Skates, Hard Guards, Water Bottle, Jump rope & Yoga Mat.
Lunches & Snacks
Skaters need to bring snacks., a lunch and beverage every Tuesday. Please label everything with your skaters first and last name . Place lunches, and snacks in a bag.