River Blades Skating School builds self esteem and confidence for life. Join today by calling.
(763) 232-5195
Our group lessons at the River Blades Skating School follow the guidelines of the Ice Skating Institute. www.skateisi.com
The ISI Instructional & Recreational Ice Skater Test Programs are used worldwide & we’re proud to offer this program to the youth of Hastings. We offer lessons for a wide range of skaters. Our classes are designed to cater to the Recreational, Hockey & Figure Skater. Please take a look at our class descriptions page to find the best fit for your skater.
The strength of the River Blades Skating School program is the logical progression of skills development, whereby skills learned in each level build on skills achieved in the preceding level. For example Pre-Alpha one-foot glides are needed before Alpha forward skating and forward crossovers can be taught.
The ISI testing program standard is outstanding because there are established standards of performance for all the maneuvers at each level. Each skater will be evaluated & tested on the elements in each level by their instructor. It is very important for your skater to attend all scheduled lessons as each lesson builds on another. Evaluations will be held the last 2 weeks of class. Please attend the last scheduled lesson. Your skater will receive a badge or a certificate on the last day of class. You will also receive a sheet that informs the parent on what level to sign up for the next session. Keep in mind some levels may need to be repeated due to the difficultly of elements.
The group lessons at the River Blades Skating School in Hastings, MN consist of a 30 minute lesson with an instructor and a 30 minute practice time in the designated practice area. There is a class size limit depending on the level & type of class. Our Instructors are trained & certified under the Ice Skating Institute testing program. We have student helpers that will assist your child in class when the teacher needs an assistant. Keep in mind they’re not the class instructor and are only there to assist.
Sign up through ISI-Ice Skating Institute to receive special benefits by being a member.