Information to prepare your skater for clas
Welcome to River Blades Skating School
Winter 2025 Classes
Procedures & Guidelines
Please read today to ensure you understand the procedures and
what equipment is needed before our first day of classes.
Winter 2025 Saturday Group Lesson programming
Saturdays Jan. 18-Mar. 29
10-11:30 am *skip date 3/22
Hastings Civic Arena
All skaters must be pre-registered to participate
Your 30 minute class will take place between the 10-11:30 am time frame.
We will email you one week prior to classes starting with your exact class time using the email provided on your registration.
Parents please enjoy your skaters lesson from the bleachers and be available in the event your skater needs to use the restroom.
Thank you for being a part of our Winter 2025 session of skating lessons. We are excited you will be joining us. Please read the following information in order to be prepared for our classes at River Blades Skating School.
Inclement Weather follow this link for any class cancellations
Inclement weather link
What should my skater wear for skates & attire during class?
MN Dept. of Health Covid Guildlines
Upcoming Events
Join our group team production competition teams. We will have information shortly on a team try it day coming up.. Stay tuned!!!!
2025 River Blades Themed Ice Show “Viva Ice Vegas” Hastings Civic Arena
Sat. March 8 @ 7:00 pm
Tickets $10 per person at the door cash only
Learn to Skate class info
River Blades Locker Room Assignments
NOTE: Locker room #2 & #4 need to be vacated by 11:00 am
6:15-9:45 am classes use locker Room #3 & #4
10:00-10:30 am classes use locker Room #3 & #4
10:30-11:00 classes use locker Room #1, #2, #3
11:00-11:30 am classes use locker Rooms # 1 & #3
What time does my skaters class take place?
All classes are 30 minutes in length.
We email you your skaters exact class time one week prior to classes starting.
We will contact you via the email you used when registering for classes.
IMPORTANT Skaters in learn to skate #1 will learn how to fall down and get up on the rubber mats the first few weeks of class. Parents please give each class space and keep the rubber mat area clear. This will give our skaters and instructors the chance to spread out and teach our skaters how to fall down and get up safely before taking the ice for their class.
Enter the ice at the Zamboni door end and exit at the lobby door end.
All group lesson information will be posted in the GROUP LESSON BLOG portion of our website.
The first few weeks of class your instructor will be reviewing skills from the previous level as well as introducing the new skills in the level you have registered for. If your skater needs to move up or down a level your instructor will inform me and then we will contact you for a class change
Private lessons
If your skater is interested in private lessons with our adult or high school instructors please contact Director Amanda to schedule. Private lessons take place during “open freestyle” ice time.
Ice skating lessons-Attire
Purchasing your own skates? Read our blog post on what skates are best for Beginners
What skates are the best for beginner figure skaters by Riedell Skates
Class Attire-Skates, Bike or Hockey Helmut, Mittens, Flexible skating pants (no jeans) Warm jacket.
Hockey gloves & breezers are not recommended for LTS 1-2 classes.
Need Skates? You can rent at the Hastings Civic Arena first come first serve $4 rental fee per week.
Note: Hockey Skates with the rocked blade are not recommended for beginner skaters. A rounded blade is difficult for a beginner to balance on & will cause unnecessary falling -a skate with a flatter blade & a toe pick are much easier to balance on & learn in. A hockey skate is easy to transfer over to especially after foundation skills have been mastered. Double bladed Figure Skates are not recommended. If you already have hockey skates please use them. Rental skates are available first come first serve $4 per week, call the arena for availability of rental skates.
How to care for your skates
Where can I purchase & sharpen skates? We only recommend these dealers.
Riedell Skates is River Blades Skating School official skate brand-you can purchase Riedell at these local retailers;
Strauss Skates 1751 Cope Ave E. St. Paul, MN 55109 651-770-1344
St. Croix Valley Rec Center Skate Shop Stillwater Ice Arena-1675 Market Dr Stillwater, MN 651-430-2601
Call and ask for a fitting appointment with Doug or Andy
St. Croix Valley Rec Center Skate Shop
Westwood Sports 14805 Granada Ave, Apple Valley MN 55124 952-431-5590
For beginner skates ask for Riedell Beginner Skates range from $100-$150.00
For more information about Riedell Skates made in Redwing, MN please visit their website.
Riedell Skates
Competitive Figure Skaters we recommend a professional skate sharpener sharpen your blades.
We recommend Fred Bartick he is the BEST in the Twin Cities-he sharpens out of his home in Bloomington.
Fred Bartick TEXT MESSAGE Fred’s wife Kim will take appointments via text message scheduling
TEXT 763-325-3402
Arrival to the Hastings Civic Arena
Learn to Skate #1 classes meet your teacher on the rubber mats to learn how to fall and get up properly before taking the ice the first two weeks of class. Parents please make space for the skaters and teacher to move on the rubber mats. After a few minutes your skater will take the ice with their instructor.
Learn to Skate #1 classes-please practice this at home before your first class and after the first few weeks of class.
Home work for LTS #1 classes before class begins.
We would like you to do this homework before the first few weeks of classes. Especially the first week, it will really help with your skaters balance once they take the ice if it’s their first time.
If you have the ability to try your skaters skates on at home with blade covers to protect flooring, furniture, and any hands, toes that may be nearby- practice having your skater stand in their skates feet hip width apart hands in front slightly as if your hands were pressing down on a table in front of you, then have your skater touch their toes with knees bent (deep squat) leaning forwards, the as they are touching their toes have them fall on to their favorite side with the hip catching the fall first and the palms reaching to that side-do not fall on to the knees, to get back up go to hands and knees like a puppy, place one foot under the hip, have skater put their palms on the ground, push hips into the air and then place other foot under other hip, touch toes as the skater is squatting be sure feet are right under the hips not too wide, then have the skater slowly stand up with hands slightly in front as if your skater had their hands pressing on a table in front of them. Practice lifting a foot and placing that lifted foot next to the leg they are standing on-similar to a flamingo, balance in place for a few seconds then try the other side, do this repeatedly, on each foot. Then move on to practicing on small marches in place. These small exercises can help your skater be prepared for the first day of class, and for weeks to follow. Be sure to cover your skaters blades with blade covers or skate guards since they are sharp and can damage flooring, furniture, fingers and toes.
What to expect the first day of class
Be sure your skaters equipment fits properly and the blades on the skates are sharpened properly.
If you need to rent skates be sure to arrive 30 minutes before the start of class-rental skates are $4.50 payable to the Hastings Civic Arena. First come first serve.
Figure Skaters we recommend getting skates sharpened by a professionals at Westwood Sports or Strauss Skates, or Fred Bartick for higher end figure skate sharpening-please contact Amanda if you need his phone number.
Arrive at the arena 10-15 minutes before your scheduled class-pick up your name tag on arrival at the skate school desk, return your name tag at the end of class. We occasionally attach newsletters to your skaters name tag. If your name tag isn’t returned each week we may miss communicating with you.
Your name tag will have a class color, & lesson time listed. Please leave your name tag at the front desk after class. Stop at the skate school desk each week for any announcements or updates.
Be sure to check your name tag for your class color, class time, skating level, & instructor.
Your skater will have a 30 minute lesson with an instructor. Learn to Skate #1-the first two weeks of class the instructor will meet your skater on the rubber mats to teach your skater how to stand in their skates, fall down, and balance on the rubber mats before your skater takes the ice for their class.
Where do I put my skates on?
Once you check in at the skate school table all skaters will proceed to the locker room to put skates on.
Be sure to place skates on the correct feet and tie skates snug. If your skater is brand new to skating have them put their skates on at home with blade protectors and walk on the carpet to get used to the balance of the skates.
Where are the locker rooms? Please check with our front desk staff on the designated area for skate tying. The locker rooms are directly behind the wall behind the office.
How do I find my teacher? (1) week prior to class we will post an ice map with your skaters class color, instructor and level here. Your skaters name tag will have a corresponding color.
Be sure to check your skaters class time, and color before sending them out for classes.
Each class has a class color and your name tag is a certain color.
For example if you have a green name tag you will skate to the area of the rink that has the green color board hanging on the plexi glass. Keep in mind you will skate to that color when it is your class time. Please be sure to check your name tag for the class time before you send your skater to their class.
Parents please help us in getting our attention if your skater has not gotten to class or if you arrive late. Your skaters class time is listed on the name tag. Bring your name tag each week. Return name tags the last day of classes.
Parents please do not leave the building.
If your skater needs to use the bathroom we will look to you to take child to use the facilities.
If your skater needs you to re-tie their skates we will look to you to help with this.
Please meet your skater at the ice door at the end of class to check in with them.
For the safety of the skaters privacy please no photos or videos of our classes.
Evaluations These classes will be evaluated the last day of class.
Learn to Skate 1, 2, 3, 4 Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Mini-Mites
Jump & Spin classes & Hockey Power Skating classes are NOT evaluated.
Please attend your last class to receive your evaluation form.
Attendance at every class is important in moving up through the levels.
ISI Membership
Pre-Alpha through Delta skaters if you want your test registered with the Ice Sports Industry National Office you will need to get an ISI individual membership from the ISI Website, send Director Amanda your ISI membership number, pay the nominal fee to Amanda to register the passing test and you will receive a badge for the passing test. Amanda receives the mailings of badges from ISI and will present them at the Spring Party Banquet. In order to compete at ISI Competitions you will need an ISI Membership Number and have your passing tests registered by Amanda in order to compete. Once your skater moves up to FS 1 you will need to book one-on-one private lessons to learn a routine and test with director Amanda.
Important Dates to remember
Stay up to date visit our website
Parents Corner Group Lesson Page
Figure Skaters LTS 4 & up Join our Hastings Figure Skating Teams
Meet new friends, have fun, and do what you love-Figure Skating!!!
Beginner through advanced team production & synchronized skating competition opportunities.
Please email director Amanda to learn more
Award Winning Production & Ensemble Teams
What are team production numbers? At River Blades we strive to build our skaters self esteem and confidence through Figure Skating. Many skaters like to skate as a team before they take the next step in to competing as a solo skater in competition. River Blades has designed a program to build a skaters confidence through performing with a team. Team Production is a competition number designed keeping a theme in mind. This past few seasons we choreographed, performed and competed "Team Swing a 1940’s” style production theme, Team 50’s Soda Pop Shop theme, Trolls, Girl Power Disney Princesses, NYE Celebration, Schoolhouse, Vogue Celebrating Fashion, & Summer Surf Beach Party, the Incredibles, Jock Jams Sports Heroes, Scott Hamilton Cares Heroes of Hope lyrical on ice routine, Team Barbie & Team Good Morning America. .
We develop performance and acting skills as well as skating skills during our practices.
We compete three to four times per year as a team at local competitions.
Group Lesson Blog Link with Events & Updates
River Blades has professional instructors teaching our group lesson classes.
River Blades houses instructors that are certified and trained under these nationally recognized organizations.
-ISI-Ice Sports Industry
-US Figure Skating
River Blades adult instructors have over 10-20 + years teaching experience. We also train junior instructors to assist in classes. All of our adult instructors have had competitive careers that required 8-10 years of training & testing under the Ice Sports Industry and/or US Figure Skating judging & testing system. We have several instructors that have had professional careers with Disney on Ice. We have instructors with experience as athletes and coaches in National, & International competitions. River Blades believes in bringing Hastings youth high quality instruction to build self esteem and confidence in our skaters. We hope you enjoy our instructors and our classes.
Private lessons are available.
Private lesson opportunities-Please speak to Amanda if you are interested in trying out a one-on-one private lesson with one of our Figure Skating Instructors, a little one-on-one goes a long way. Also if you are interested in doing competitions in the future starting a private lesson along side our group lesson program will benefit your skater tremendously. Please visit our website for private lesson pricing
Speak with Amanda to discuss private lesson opportunities for Hockey & Figure Skaters, there are opportunities to receive a private lesson on these days/times listed below.
*Open Freestyle Ice time is $10 per person payable to River Blades
-Public Skate Ice time check the Hastings Civic Arena website for open skate times.
- Open Freestyle is on the arena website & listed on our schedules page.
Hastings Civic Arena Schedule of Open Freestyle & Public Skate
Private lessons must be pre-paid, once lesson is reserved please respect our no cancellation policy,
Visit our website for private lesson pricing packages-online packages include ice fee.
Did you know River Blades offers an instructor mentorship program to empower our Hastings youth?
River Blades prides itself on offering a Junior Instructor & High School Instructor teaching volunteer program ages 10 + . Our Jr. & High School Instructors attend trainings throughout the season, shadow professional instructors, and assist in classes in order to gain experience in teaching skating skills, learning how a skating school operates.
Why join our Jr. & High School Instructor program?
-Gain valuable experience in teaching skating skills for future teaching opportunities within River Blades, and future job opportunities within the ice sports industry.
-Learn the value in helping and inspiring our local youth.
-A way to give back to the community is by volunteering our program offers this opportunity.
-We want to empower our youth to become a leader through ice sports.
-We want to build self esteem and confidence in our skaters through helping others learn.
-High School Instructors can earn an income by teaching in our program while attending High School &/or College.
One-on-One consultation
If you would like to book a one-on-one phone consultation with director Amanda to talk about a plan for your skater that is new to the sport, or you have questions about “how to best guide your skater through the sport” please visit the website to register for a one-on-one phone conversation.
Please visit and subscribe to our website to receive important updates & information.
Follow River Blades on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, our website, and HastingsNow.
Event photos use the hashtag #RiverBladesSkating & #RiverBladesSkatingSchool
We look forward to seeing you in class.
Thank you,
Amanda Truax
Building self esteem & confidence for life.
River Blades Skating School-Director