Monday Summer Figure Skaters Specialty Class edges/turns/innovative moves/interp.

Monday Summer Figure Skaters Specialty Class edges/turns/innovative moves/interp.

Sale Price:$210.00 Original Price:$230.00


Monday Summer 2025 Classes July 7, 14, 21, 28, Aug. 4, 11, 18

4:00-5:00 pm

Cost $210.00

7 weeks includes 60 minutes of ice time, and lessons with instructors

Figure Skating Specialty Class edges/turns/innovative moves/interp. class will teach your skater correct body alignment, and techniques to produce clean turns, improve spirals & innovative moves, as well as teach your skater the art of movement on the ice with different styles of music

Join the spin board & stretch class from 5:10-5:40 pm additional $65

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