River Blades Skating School builds self esteem and confidence for life. Join today by calling.

(763) 232-5195

River Blades to perform at Wells Fargo Winter Skate in downtown St. Paul

River Blades to perform at Wells Fargo Winter Skate in downtown St. Paul

On Saturday, November 19th down in St. Paul, the River Blades figure skaters will be performing at the grand opening of the Wells Fargo Winter Skate in downtown St. Paul in Rice Park. Some of the Skaters that will be performing are from Team River Blades that have been competing this entire year and have won several awards.

To open the show down at the Wells Fargo Winter Skate we’ll have the River Blades Rockettes to kick-off the show and the show starts at 5pm so get there early. 

This annual event is a big deal and celebrated as a main attraction for the city of St. Paul. Congratulations to River Blades Skating school!

It's been a wonderful and successful year with River Blades and it's not over yet...

It's been a wonderful and successful year with River Blades and it's not over yet...

 Join Team River Blades at the Grand Opening of Wells Fargo Winter Skate This Saturday!

Join Team River Blades at the Grand Opening of Wells Fargo Winter Skate This Saturday!