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(763) 232-5195

Coach Amanda Truax will be speaking at National Conference before competition

Coach Amanda Truax will be speaking at National Conference before competition

Some upcoming events happening at River Blades...coach Amanda will be at the ISI National Conference speaking on June 1st, from 12:30 to 1:15 presenting a choreography segment. So coaches in the Twin Cities, if you're interested stop by, she'd love to talk to you. If you have any interest in choreography or interest on how to run your skate school, please speak with Amanda at the conference. Also, the ISI National Conference Championships are that weekend June 2nd through the 4th and Team River Blades will be competing at the Woog Arena in South St. Paul.

Welcome Maggie Panetta

Welcome Maggie Panetta

Teran talks about why her family chooses River Blades Skating School

Teran talks about why her family chooses River Blades Skating School