Are you looking for a place to train this summer as a figure skater? Well you have don't have to go too far...
River Blades Skating School builds self esteem and confidence for life. Join today by calling.
(763) 232-5195
Are you looking for a place to train this summer as a figure skater? Well you have don't have to go too far...
Hey Hockey Players, are you looking for a class that can tune your skills and make you faster?...
River Blades would like to welcome our newest team member Maggie Panetta! Maggie competed at the ISU Worlds...
When it's hot outside River Blades is cooling off during our Summer Camp and Hockey Power Skating Camps this summer. Figure Skating Camp will be held on Tuesdays...
Congratulations to Cirque du River Blades and Team Lilo and Stitch that competed this past weekend at the Parade Ice Garden in Minneapolis...
River Blade Skating School will host their Spring Session starting April 1st through April 29th. We will skip the week of...
River Blades would like to wish Savanna Gray good luck on testing her Gold Achievement test for U.S. Figure Skating in the next few months. She's worked...
Here is a tip from River Blades Coaches Corner. We recommend you...
Hi Amanda here again, just wanted to talk to you about our Summer Camp. Last year we had a great camp and we're looking forward to...
At River Blades Skating School we have classes geared towards all types of skaters. A lot of skaters start taking lessons at age 3...
The River Blades Skating School will have our 11th annual Skate With Santa Event on Saturday, December 10th from 6 PM - 8 PM. It's $10 per family...
This Thanksgiving I'm thankful for the opportunity to work with our youth in build their...
River Blades celebrated their 10th anniversary and going into our 11th year we had some great things happening for us starting with the US Figure Skating Championships. It was held at the Xcel Center and a team of River Blades skaters were able to perform at the closing ceremonies...
On Saturday, November 19th down in St. Paul, the River Blades figure skaters will be performing at the grand opening of the Wells Fargo Winter Skate in downtown St. Paul in Rice Park...
Team River Blades will be skating at the Grand Opening of the Wells Fargo Winter Skate in downtown St Paul on Saturday, November 19th at 5:00 pm. We have a line up of entertaining figure skaters-stop down at the rink next to the Landmark Center/St. Paul Hotel...
Friday, October 28th get your neon clothes on for the Glo Skate Party with River Blades Skating! There will be Live Music from Vast Entertainment, Games, Prizes & Treats!..